The holiday season is upon us. Each year we go through the list of loved ones we wish to remember with special gifts. Friends, relatives, special people in our lives. We would never dream of being selfish and spend this money on ourselves, such as a long deserved vacation to a warm tropical island or a beautiful Caribbean cruise with that someone special.
Stop Smoking, Regain Your Health and Live
I have a suggestion for you to not only save money, be generous and to give yourself and those who love you the greatest gift of all times, your life!
A recent article in women’s Day magazine gave ten great things quitting smoking does for your body. I am taking the liberty of printing these reasons in this article for your benefit.
- Your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal in just 20 minutes
- Your nicotine and carbon monoxide levels drop by 50% after eight hours.
- Your body becomes carbon monoxide free after one day.
- Your sense of taste and smell improve and your body becomes nicotine free after two days
- Your energy increases and it becomes easier to breath after three days.
- Your circulation improves within two to twelve weeks.
- Your lung function increases up to 10% making coughs subside after three to nine months.
- Your heart attack risk drops by fifty percent (50%) after one year.
- Your lung cancer risk drops by fifty percent (50%) after ten years.
- Your heart attack risk becomes the same as someone who’s never smoked after fifteen years.
You can even diminish the discomforts of quitting smoking and cause them never to happen, simply through the power of suggestion. Using hypnosis, they usually never appear.
With all the money you save, you can look forward to many years of remembering yourself and your loved ones with those very special gifts and you might even indulge your self with that sailboat cruise around the islands you have long dreamed of.
A trip to your travel agent or go to the web site to choose that very special vacation of your dreams.
We give our children rewards for doing something good for others, even if only a compliment.
The greatest reward you can give anyone ——– is you. Especially a healthy, happy you!
Wallace W Lossing C.O.,C.Ht